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6th SASCI Meeting

The theme of the 6th SASCI Meeting was "Combustion Research to Power Future Energy Technologies"

6th SASCI Meeting

The 6th Saudi Arabian Section of the Combustion Institute (SAS-CI) Annual Meeting was held under the theme of “Combustion Research to Power Future Energy Technologies“. It brought together more than 90 researchers from various institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Sixth Annual Meeting was hosted by Saudi Aramco Technical Exchange Center in Dhahran. Collectively, the meeting featured two invited lectures, 42 oral presentations across four different technical sessions and 12 poster presentations.

The technical program consisted of two parallel oral presentation sessions on each day, along with a work-in-progress poster session on the first day of the event. It consisted of the following sessions:
o Environmental and Techno-economical Assessment of Combustion Technology,
o Combustion Chemistry and Reaction Kinetics,
o IC engines and Gas Turbine Combustion,
o Experimental Combustion and Fuels.

Two invited lectures were also presented by eminent specialists within the field. The first invited talk was on ‘Partially Premixed Combustion, PPC – Why All Diesel Engines Should Burn Gasoline Fuel‘ by Professor Bengt Johansson of the Clean Combustion Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia. The second talk was by Professor Fei Qi of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China on ‘Advances of Combustion and Energy Studies with Synchrotron-based VUV Photoionization Mass Spectrometry‘.

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